ACCESSING using sms

1. In the FAU NetID field enter your FAU username.

    -For example: adardano2010


2. In the Password field enter your FAU password with a comma and the word "sms".

    -For example: MyP@ssw0rd,sms

3. The system will send you a list of SMS passcode to the phone number you registered with when you signed up for DUO Mobile MFA. 

You will receive the following error, but this is to be expected:


4. In the Password field enter your FAU password with a comma and one of the codes text to you.

    -For example: MyP@ssw0rd,123456

5. The system will process your MFA, however you will receive an error once again EVEN if your password and confirmation codes are correct.


6. Click Ok and enter your password one more time, this time without any comma or other information.


You should only have to do this process once for every session you connect too. If you disconnect from the existing session, you will need to authenticate with DUO again.

For any further questions or assistance please contact us at